Baby Blues Quilt

      Two of my little birds left the nest last weekend.  I'm still processing this event and while I'm thrilled and excited for them as they venture into adulthood, I'm also feeling quite nostalgic.  So, for the past couple of weeks I've been visiting the past through our family photos.  It's amazing how quickly children grow up.  

     Anyway, as I went back in time to see my kids when they were little, I also found some photos of a quilt that I'd forgotten about.  It was made largely from my husband's shirts.  I really hate to waste perfectly good fabric, so when a shirt is decommissioned, it just seems logical to put it into a quilt.  It was a decent size throw and I think it was the first quilt I ever sold on Etsy.  

     The back of the quilt was made from cozy flannel.

The Wrap Up
Name:  Baby Blues
Size:  42" x 54"
Batting: mid-loft poly
Backing:  flannel
Binding:  scrappy
Finished:  January 2012


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