Spiderweb Quilt
I have a small cabinet where I keep my unfinished projects. There are currently about fifteen quilt tops in there that need to be quilted and bound. I go through phases where all I want to do is play with color and patterns, so I'll make a quilt top, toss it in the cabinet, and start on another. There comes a point, though, when I've put a lot of time into this hobby and have nothing to show for it. That's when I have to focus on finishing some of those quilt tops.
Though it does begin to resemble one, a quilt top is not a quilt. It's only when you're putting those quilting threads in place that it begins to acquire the special characteristics that make a quilt so desirable.

For the back, I used a plain brown cotton. It was quilted with brown and cream variegated thread.
I did some experimentation on a quilt last summer where I used fleece in place of batting. It had such a nice feel and weight to it that I wanted to try it again. I had two cuts of leftover fleece from other projects. Neither one was large enough for the whole quilt, but the two together were just the right size. As soon as it was basted, I could tell that this was going to be a good one. I wish you could see what I mean from the photos, but you'd have to hold the quilt to understand. It's a little bit heavier than a normal quilt and has just enough extra weight to make it extra cozy.
The Wrap Up
Name: Spiderwebs
Size: 52" x 52"
Top Pieces: 901
Batting: Fleece
Finished: January 2020