Number 86 Quilt
My kiddos have had some pretty snazzy t-shirts over the years. A while back, I thought it would be neat to use the design on a single t-shirt as the centerpiece of a quilt. Whenever I go shopping, I'm always on the lookout for unique designs. I've made a few of these quilts now and you can see the ones I've finished by clicking on the label "t-shirt series" at the bottom of this post.
The t-shirt was the starting point for choosing the color scheme for this quilt. I really liked the color combination in the design, but felt that it needed to be lighter and happier. So I used lots of white for the background.
I had an issue with the quilting on this one. The thread in my machine kept shredding and breaking. I thought it could be the needle, but it wasn't. Then I tweaked the tension and gave the machine a good cleaning, but that wasn't it either. I finally discovered that the spool of thread was wound so tight on one end that it would catch and the thread would break.

The Wrap Up
Name: Number 86
Size: 43 1/2" x 43 1/2"
Top Pieces: 271
Batting: 100% cotton
Finished: February 2020