Pink Patchwork Quilt

     This little quilt got its start when I was playing with color.  I made four of the patchwork squares and didn't have any particular plan for them.  In fact, the squares hung on my design wall all summer long and into autumn.

     The back was made from a vintage sheet that I found at my aunt's yard sale.  I love shopping her sales.  She is a collector and her storage shed is like a time capsule.  At her last sale, she had vintage textiles that probably came straight from the 1970's and 80's.

     When it came to the quilting, I was thinking straight lines, but then decided to try something a little different.  My sewing machine has the ability to make hundreds of decorative stitches and yet I hardly ever use them.  I chose a loop-de-loop and followed the seams in a grid pattern.

     Not bad, huh?  My son said that the quilting makes it look like a puzzle.  I may try more of those stitches in the future.

The Wrap Up
Name:  Pink Patchwork
Size:  40" x 40"
Top Pieces:  217
Back:  Vintage sheet
Batting:  100% Cotton
Finished:  December 2019


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