Triangle Safari Quilt

     Not being sure of what to call this quilt, I asked a couple of my kiddos what they thought.  One said we should call it Jungle Safari because the colors reminded her of a jungle.  The other said Hawaiian Triangles because there are some tropical flowers in there.  I thought the colors had more of an autumn feel, but let's compromise and call it Triangle Safari.

     With the materials used in this quilt, it could very well have been made from safari wear.   Each and every fabric here was taken from a t-shirt, button down, or pull over.  The entire top was made from recycled fabrics.  One of my favorites is the greenish-gray waffle weave, not because of the color, but the texture.

     I used a new cut of blue fleece for the back.  For the quilting, I followed the edges of the triangles and it created a unique pattern on the back.

     There is no batting in this quilt, but with the fleece backing, it is quite snuggly.  Perhaps, the little guy who gets to snuggle under this quilt will dream of going on his own safari adventures.

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     In last week's post, I was considering changing the name of the summary at the end of my quilt posts.  Some options were:

     Quick Bits
     To Sum It Up
     Compendium (a collection of concise but detailed
        information about a particular subject; too formal.)
     Conspectus (a summary or overview of a subject; hits the
        nail on the head, but again, it sounded like too much for
        an informal blog.)

     The winner, which isn't on the list above, is The Wrap Up.  One of the kids suggested it.  Seeing how one can wrap up in a quilt and one can also wrap up the subject, it's kind of fitting, don't you think? 😁

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Wrap Up

Name: Triangle Safari
Size:  30" x 39 1/2"
Top pieces:  104
Back:  Fleece
Finished:  2018


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