Wow Wows!
When my children were just wee toddlers, we would go for walks and I would point things out to them like a cute little bug, a neat rock, the shape or color of a leaf, or a beautiful flower. I wanted them to learn about God through his creation.
For his invisible qualities are clearly seen
from the world's creation onward,
because they are perceived by the things made,
even his eternal power and Godship,
so that they are inexcusable.
Romans 1:20
One day, we were ambling along the river walk when my little girl took off running toward a planter. She pointed to one of the pretty flowers and said "Wow wow!" She was trying to say "flower," but some words are just too big for a toddler to pronounce.
I began making this quilt when that daughter was in middle school. It was one of those projects that I kept putting to the side and before I knew it, she was graduating from high school! 😖
One of the reasons I put it off for so long was because the quilt was so large. It's an oversize twin and I knew it would be like wrestling a bear with every step. I can't stand working with pieces of fabric larger than myself. To make a back for it meant that I'd have to move the furniture to create an area wide enough to lay it out and put it together. Then, to layer and baste it would take a lot of time. And finally, I dreaded the struggle of getting it through the machine for quilting. So, yeah, I put it off and put it off until it was ridiculous and I finally had to force myself to do it. I'm glad I finally did. I love it, she loves it, and it's finished! Woo hoo!
The flower blocks were based on a pattern I saw years ago on the cover of a book. I couldn't afford to buy the book at the time, so I tried to copy the pattern from memory. I've since forgotten the name/author of the book and I've tried searching for it online, but I haven't come across it yet. I know this a long shot, but if you happen to know which book it was, please let me know. It has a quilt with similar flowers on the front cover.
I let my daughter choose the backing fabric. She loves animals and the back features little paw prints running up and down the stripes.
I quilted straight lines along the border and cross hatching through the middle. You can't really tell in the photos, but I alternated threads in a rainbow of colors. This was not an easy task, but well worth the effort.
I also let my daughter choose the binding and she picked out this pretty floral print.
I made a custom label for the quilt with a personal message from mom. And to dress it up, I added a flower-shaped button and a little, green leaf.

Quilt Stats
Name: Wow Wows!
Size: 92" x 67 1/2"
Top Pieces: 616
Batting: mid-loft poly
Finished: December 2018